Driving success - Rural Fire Service members race to Bathurst


Hundreds of NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) volunteers and staff have once again gathered at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst to explore the Service's training and development options – both now and into the future.

NSW RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons welcomed delegates and guest speakers, saying that the Forum was the ideal opportunity for members to identify key areas for professional development, whilst sharing experience and knowledge.

"The theme for this year's Forum is 'Linking process to practice; people driving success,' which is about providing NSW RFS members with the opportunity to expand their skills and knowledge.

"Our organisation is made up of more than 70,000 people from all backgrounds and from all corners of the state, many of whom are recognised leaders in their own communities and brigades.

"Each and every member plays an important role in leading the Rural Fire Service into the future and the Service is committed to providing the highest level of training," said Commissioner Fitzsimmons.

The 2012 NSW RFS Learning and Development Forum is being held on the 29 and 30 June, with a number of keynote speakers including former Australian Netball Captain Anne Sargeant.

"Through inspirational Australians sharing their stories we gain insight into what can be achieved through strong leadership and guided learning.

"By working alongside residents, our brigades and members can help build confident and resilient communities that are better placed should an emergency situation occur."

Commissioner Fitzsimmons said the Service has seen significant change and progress since the first volunteer bush fire brigade was established more than 100 years ago.

"Over the years, technology, knowledge, understanding and procedures have evolved, however the single enduring constant is our volunteers.

"These men and women have shaped the organisation into what we have today, and as we look towards new challenges it will be these people who lead the Service into the future."

"It's an honour to be invited back to Bathurst for this important event – it's a convenient location to hold such a forum for our members who come from far and wide," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.


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