
The NSW RFS conducts an annual public awareness campaign which aims to improve community preparedness.

The Prepare Act Survive campaign first commenced in 2009 following the Victorian Black Saturday bush fires.

The campaign has delivered a continued improvement in the level of planning and preparation in the community - from around 30 percent of people having a plan at the commencement of the campaign, to more than 80 percent in 2020.

Current Campaigns

Australian Fire Danger Rating System - Know The Changes, They Could Save Your Life

The NSW RFS has led the development of a new national advertising campaign for the Australian Fire Danger Rating System. The AFDRS is a project of national significance, bringing a national approach to the way fire danger ratings are determined and communicated.

The campaign has been developed with the support of the Commonwealth Government, which has funded the production of the campaign. Each state using the campaign is responsible for local implementation.

In NSW, the campaign consists of television, radio, online, outdoor and social media advertising.



Live Bush Fire Ready

The Live Bush Fire Ready campaign is the latest in the successful Prepare Act Survive public awareness campaign strategy.

The campaign aims to increase the level and quality of bush fire planning and preparation in the community.

Since its introduction in 2009, the Prepare Act Survive campaign has increased the level of bush fire planning (people with some form of a plan for bush fires) from 30 percent to a peak of 81 percent.

The campaign is delivered annually by the RFS and consists of coordinated television, radio, online, outdoor and social advertising.

The campaign also supplements and supports on-the-ground community engagement activities by RFS volunteers, including the annual Get Ready Weekend event.

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