NSW RFS firefighters honoured on St Florian's Day


Emergency Services Minister Troy Grant joined NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons at NSW RFS Headquarters today to honour 15 NSW RFS members and 11 teams as part of an annual awards ceremony for exceptional service and bravery.

Held on the fourth of May each year, the award ceremony coincides with the Feast Day of St Florian, Patron Saint of Firefighters and International Firefighters’ Day.

“Today we thank the many men and women of the NSW RFS who are on call day after day, serving our communities and selflessly responding to all manner of emergencies,” Mr Grant said.

“Our NSW RFS men and women do their jobs quietly never asking for praise, awards or accolades, but it’s important their commitment and dedication is recognised.

“Families across the state should be rightly proud of the efforts of the NSW RFS and I thank each and every member of the emergency service for their hard work,” Mr Grant said.

Commissioner Fitzsimmons paid special tribute to Tamworth Support Brigade members Sam Hutch and John Tucker who were awarded a Commissioner’s Commendation for Service.

“Sam and John, whilst driving along the New England Highway, observed a truck driving erratically and alerted authorities. They followed the vehicle into Singleton CBD where it proceeded to collide with a number of vehicles and people before crashing and catching on fire.

“Both Sam and John immediately administered first aid to those injured in vehicles and along the roadside, putting themselves at risk before other emergency services arrived on scene,” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

Commissioner Fitzsimmons also recognised the commitment of Senior Deputy Captain Samuel Tout.

“Mr Tout has coordinated the cadets for the South West Slopes Team for the past nine years, ensuring that young members in the area are developing into excellent firefighters and valuable members of the Service,” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

“Assisting with the cadet program whilst maintaining an active role in his own Brigade, Sam has demonstrated a level of dedication and commitment which will ensure that the RFS remains strong into the future.

“I have nothing but pride and admiration, not just of those being recognised here today, but of all our members who continue to give up so much of their time to ensure their communities are better protected.”

For full citations, please visit the NSW RFS website www.rfs.nsw.gov.au.

Contact Name: Douglas Martin

Contact Phone: 0438 371 354