Bland Temora

Bland Temora Zone is located within Bland and Temora Local Government areas which are located approximately 5 hours South West of Sydney. Bland and Temora areas are predominately sheep wheat areas which are surrounded by a mix of grass lands and undulating country.


Information and contact details on our local brigades


Local weather conditions and information

Fire information

Get information on current fires and other incidents

Plan and prepare

Prepare your home, your family and yourself for bush and grass fires

Hazard reduction

Hazard reduction is an important part of preparing for bush fires. If you see smoke, it could be from a hazard reduction. You can check the location of these activities here....

About our area

Meet our staff and find out more about the NSW RFS in your area

Photo and video gallery

See more of the work of our members in our photo and video galleries

Contact us

If you've got a question, comment, suggestion or complaint, you can contact the Bland Temora Zone here....


The Bland Temora Zone of the NSW Rural Fire Service has provided you with a number of links to associated organisations.