Abstract submissions open for ACEFA conference
Published Date: 25 Feb 2022
Compassion. Grit. Innovation.
Engaging with communities when times are tough
Since August 2019, NSW communities have faced unparalleled challenges. Many communities are still recovering from the worst bush fires in living memory and following the fires of 2019/20 came heavy rains and flooding, a global pandemic and ongoing cool and wet weather. At a time like this, reaching out and making a meaningful connection with local communications may seem more than difficult!
Despite the challenges, volunteers, emergency services and agencies have adapted, adjusted and continued to help communities prepare for bush fire and other emergencies.
Tell us about how you have met the challenge of these unusual times. The focus of ACEFA 2022 is on the period between August 2019 and May 2022. Your abstract could include any of the following:
- Case studies and personal stories
- Research utilisation
- Innovation and unexpected wins
- Thorny conundrums and local solutions
- Interactive sessions: masterclasses on specialist skills required for effective community engagement
- Multimedia: digital stories, short films and art work will be included in the Conference
- Programs developed and adapted to meet the needs of this time.
The NSW RFS is calling for abstracts to be included in the Australian Community Engagement and Fire Awareness (ACEFA) Conference in Newcastle on the 26 – 28 May.
Emergency services staff and volunteers, researchers, and government and non-government organisations are invited to submit examples of innovative engagement with local communities. The voice and experience of NSW RFS volunteers are especially welcome.
You can lodge a personal submission, one on a colleague’s behalf or one on behalf of your organisation, addressing the theme and topics of the conference. You can submit multiple abstracts. Prior to lodging, please ensure that you have the approval and support of your organisation. Submissions close on 25 March, 2022.
For more information or enquiries, please email acefa@rfs.nsw.gov.au
- NSW RFS staff
- NSW RFS Community Engagement volunteers
- Emergency management agencies
- Local government, NGOs and industry bodies
ACEFA 2022 is hosted by the NSW Rural Fire Service and proudly sponsored by the NSW RFSA.