Bathurst to host NSW RFS leaders


NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) volunteers and staff from across the state have converged on Bathurst for the NSW RFS Leadership Forum and Young Members Forum.

The Young Members Forum will run today and tomorrow, with the NSW RFS Leadership Forum taking place from Thursday 28 April to Saturday 30 April.
Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said the forums will bring together members from all parts of NSW to discuss issues affecting the Service now and into the future.
"Our people come from diverse backgrounds from all parts of NSW and many are leaders in their own communities and brigades," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.
"All have an important role in leading the NSW RFS into the future and the Young Members and Leaderships Forums are an opportunity to bring together our people and discuss issues now and into the future and how we'll respond to those challenges.
"All of our people have a role in leading our Service into the future, working hand-in-hand with the community, and with one another.
"It is particularly pleasing to see so many of our young members and senior volunteer representatives playing a key role in the forums."
Commissioner Fitzsimmons said the Service has seen significant change and progress since the first volunteer brigade was formed more than 100 years ago.
"Over the years, technology, knowledge, structure and procedures have changed dramatically but there has been one enduring constant - our people.
"They have most shaped the organisation we are today and as we look towards new challenges, it will again be our people who lead the NSW RFS into the future."
Commissioner Fitzsimmons says 65 young volunteers will attend the Young Members Forum, while more than 200 people are expected to attend the three-day Leadership Forum at the Mount Panorama Pit Complex.
"Bathurst is an ideal location for an event of this type, being in a central location for many of our people across the State. It is a pleasure to be holding the Forum in a location such as Bathurst," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.
NSW RFS State Duty Media Officer (02) 9898 1855

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