Bush Fire CRC predictions for NSW Bush Fire Danger Period


Most of NSW is classed as having above normal fire potential for the 2013-2014 Bush Fire Danger Period, according to the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre (Bushfire CRC).

The Bushfire CRC predicts that NSW will experience above average fire conditions this season, with the exception of the north coast and far west of NSW.

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said the Bushfire CRC's predictions were a timely reminder of the risks of bush and grass fires and the importance of early preparation.

"Our warmest winter on record, coupled with dry conditions, has helped fuel more than 1,180 fires in NSW over the last month.

"This increased fire activity has brought forward the start of the official Bush Fire Danger Period for many areas of the state, including Tamworth, Taree, Upper Hunter and Shoalhaven.

"Crews from the NSW RFS are working with partner agencies on over 100 scheduled hazard reductions each week.

"Local RFS Brigades are also working with communities to raise their fire awareness and knowledge before the fire season.

"Regardless of where you live in NSW, even a "normal" Australian bush fire season is dangerous.

"Everyone should take the time now to prepare for the coming fire season by completing a bush fire survival plan. They're available free from the RFS website or local fire authorities and are quick and simple to complete.

"I ask everyone to take the time to prepare a plan and put it into action. My top three tips are:

  1. Clear your gutters;
  2. Maintain your gardens - cutting back shrubs and overhanging trees and moving garden mulch from the house; and
  3. Have a hose that reaches right around your home.

Our 70,000 members stand ready to fight any fires that hit NSW in the coming months, but we cannot do our job without the support of the public.

"Time invested now could help save your family, pets and home this summer," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

For further details:

  • Bushfire CRC &AFAC information, including map, visit www.bushfirecrc.com/firenotes or contact Nathan Maddock on nathan.maddock@bushfirecrc.com or 0439 377 080
  • Interviews or further comment from the NSW RFS contact the State Duty Media Officer on media@rfs.nsw.gov.au or 02 9898 1855.

Contact Name: State Media Duty Officer

Contact Phone: (02) 9898 1855