Canobolas Rural Fire Brigades celebrate new stations


A new era began for the Borenore and Byng Emu Swamp Rural Fire Brigades when NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Region West Manager Paul Smith officially declared their new stations open today.

Mr Smith said the Borenore members are thrilled with their new station, which is the Brigade's first shed.

"Borenore Brigade's two tankers were previously housed at separate private properties, and we thank those landowners for their generosity," Mr Smith said.

"But the completion of this new station means both of the Brigade's trucks can now be housed at the same location."

The new Byng Emu Swamp RFB station provides its members with a truck parking area, an equipment storage room and a kitchen.

Mr Smith said the new stations would further enhance firefighting efforts in the Canobolas Zone.

Both Brigades have been protecting the local community since they were formed more than 60 years ago.

"These volunteers have been part of the Service during a period of incredible growth and change and their breadth of experience illustrates this," Mr Smith said.

"They remain on-hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we should be extremely proud and grateful for their contribution."