Hazard reduction burns continue this week.


Fire agencies and land managers are continuing to take advantage of suitable weather conditions to complete important hazard reduction burns across the State.

NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said more controlled burns are scheduled to take place in the coming week.

“Favourable weather conditions have again provided us with that welcome window of opportunity to continue our burning program this week.” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

“Hazard reduction burns are already being undertaken, with further burns planned in a number of locations including the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Central Coast, Hunter Valley, Wollondilly and Queanbeyan.

“The weather can often prove to be a significant  challenge  for this type of work, so we are grateful that the current conditions have provided agencies with an excellent opportunity to complete some critically important burns.”

While some areas are expected to be affected by smoke while hazard reduction burns are underway, people are reminded to only call Triple Zero (000) if they see an unattended fire.

Residents near controlled burns are encouraged to take sensible precautions such as avoiding outdoor activity in affected areas, keeping doors and windows closed, bringing washing inside and, if driving through smoke affected areas, slow down and switch on headlights.

People with asthma should also take necessary precautions and refer to their asthma management plans.

“Many areas are behind with their hazard reduction programme due to unsuitable weather so we will be using every opportunity to conduct this essential preparation work,” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

“It is important that the community take the lead from fire agencies by also taking advantage of the good weather to prepare their properties for the inevitable return of fire conditions.

“My thanks again to all agencies and in particular our NSW RFS volunteers for giving up their time so generously to undertake this work.

A list of scheduled hazard reductions is available on the NSW RFS website at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/hr. Traffic information is available at www.livetraffic.com.

Smartphone owners can download the free Fires Near Me app, which displays the location and status of current hazard reduction burns and bush fires across NSW.

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Contact Name: State Duty Media Officer

Contact Phone: 02 9898 1855