Mid Murray Zone celebrates Black Summer heroes
Published Date: 27 Mar 2021
The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Mid Murray Zone today applauded the achievements of dedicated volunteers from 11 brigades with the presentation of 22 Premier’s Citations for service to the community during the 2019/2020 bush fire season.
NSW RFS Acting Area Commander Superintendent Paul Jones joined Council staff and other guests to mark the occasion.
Supt. Jones said the 22 recipients of the Premier’s Citations represented Birganbigil, Mayrung, MMZ Support, Tuppal, Wanganella, Bunnaloo, Caldwell, Deniliquin, Barham, Brassi and Emery Brigades.
He congratulated each of the members on their dedication, commitment and service to their communities.
“These members being recognised today worked tirelessly over the unprecedented bush fire season we experienced in 2019/2020 to save lives and property.
“It was very hard work, but it is greatly appreciated by us all.”
Supt. Jones added the NSW RFS is committed to providing volunteer firefighters with the equipment, infrastructure and resources they need to carry out the important work of protecting their local communities from fire and a diverse array of incidents.
“I would like to take this time to praise all our volunteers for their ongoing efforts each and every day, particularly when dealing with emergencies here in the Mid Murray.
“We also thank the family, friends, employers and colleagues of all NSW RFS volunteers. We know it takes their ongoing support and patience to assist and enable our volunteers to do what they do to save lives and property.”
Contact Name: State Duty Media Officer
Contact Phone: (02) 9898 1855