New facilities a major boon for Mid Murrays firefighters


NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Assistant Commissioner Dominic Lane officially opened a

new fire station as well as an aviation support facility in Deniliquin earlier this afternoon.

During the opening ceremony, Assistant Commissioner Lane noted how the new facilities will

allow volunteers to continue providing a high level of support during emergencies.

"Today we officially open the new Deniliquin Rural Fire Brigade Station as well as a new

airbase to support aerial fire fighting efforts.

"Deniliquin's new station features a four bay design with kitchen, training, office and bathroom

  1. The new station is a much needed improvement on the previous building which could

not keep up with the needs of this busy brigade.

"The new airbase will continue to see aviation operations properly supported throughout the

region and provide improved ability for aircraft to refill with water, foam and retardant quickly

during fires," said Assistant Commissioner Lane.

Assistant Commissioner Lane was also able to utilise the opportunity to present nine

volunteers with Long Service Medals as well as handing over two new fire trucks to local


"As usual the members being honoured today have gone above and beyond the call of duty

and amongst them have amassed 167 years of service to their local community and the


"The wealth of knowledge and experience these members bring to the NSW RFS is staggering

and their contribution to their local community is nothing short of exceptional," said Assistant

Commissioner Lane.

"Today Blighty and Caldwell Brigades each receive a new, state of the art fire truck which will

allow both brigades to continue to provide a high level of service to their communities.

"The NSW RFS, in association with local Councils, are committed to improving the equipment,

trucks and stations that our volunteers need to get their jobs done and the new facilities being

opened in the Mid Murray area are a prime example of that.

"Today is an opportunity to celebrate our local volunteers and the important work they do

throughout the region," concluded Assistant Commissioner Lane.


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