Praise and award for Glenelg volunteer firefighters
Published Date: 29 Jul 2011
NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Assistant Commissioner Dominic Lane has acknowledged the commitment of long-standing members of the Glenelg Rural Fire Brigade at a medal presentation held in their honour.
Assistant Commissioner Lane presented the 29 members with their medals at Grenfell Fire Control Centre, where he praised each of the recipients describing them as well-respected, committed members of the Service.
"Between them, these men and women have more than 840 years of experience with the Service. This is an admirable achievement and a demonstration that the local RFS brigades are thriving in this region.
"I would particularly like to pay tribute to Steve Lander and Garth England who have each been volunteer firefighters for over 50 years.
"Signing up with the Glenelg Brigade back in 1956 Steve held the position of Captain for 51 years and has only recently retired from his Group Captain role. Garth wasn't far behind joining the brigade in 1961, and they have both been active and diligent members demonstrating a steadfast commitment to the community.
"Their ongoing selfless dedication to the safety of others is an inspiration, and all of the members being recognised here today are most worthy of our thanks and gratitude".
Assistant Commissioner Lane said the Mid Lachlan Valley had seen significant fire activity over the years.
"All of the medal recipients here today have been integral in protecting the local community and helping build resilience.
"Of course our members don't commit their time for awards or accolades, however today is an opportunity for the NSW community to express thanks for their ongoing contribution," Assistant Commissioner Lane said.
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