State wide Total Fire Ban - January 11 2013
Published Date: 10 Jan 2013
A State wide Total Fire Ban has been declared in NSW for Friday 11 January 2013 due to forecast hot, dry and windy conditions.
The Total Fire Ban will commence at midnight tonight and remain in place until midnight Friday 11 January 2013.
The Bureau of Meteorology has advised some parts of NSW will have a Severe Fire Danger Rating.
The NSW Rural Fire Service advises:
- In these conditions fires will be uncontrollable and fast moving, and could threaten properties with little warning.
- If a fire breaks out you should only stay with your home if it is well-prepared and you are able to actively defend it.
- People should report any unattended fires to Triple Zero.
On a day of Total Fire Ban, there is a ban on any fires out in the open. A gas or electric barbeque is allowed, but only if:
- It is on a residential property within 20 metres of the house or dwelling
- It is in a picnic area and approved by Council, National Parks or State Forest
- It is under the direct control of a responsible adult
- The ground around the barbecue is cleared for 2 metres of all material that can burn
- You have an immediate and continuous supply of water available.
For full details on Total Fire Ban rules & map of current Total Fire Bans:
Attached files: