Theresa Park Brigade celebrates 75th anniversary
Published Date: 28 Oct 2017
NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Assistant Commissioner Jason Heffernan joined members past and present today to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Theresa Park Rural Fire Brigade.
Assistant Commissioner Heffernan said the Theresa Park Brigade, located within the Southern Highlands District, was formed in 1945 by local farmers who relied on a water tank on a trailer and leather beaters to fight fires.
“Since its humble beginnings, we have watched the Theresa Park Brigade go from strength to strength, improving their equipment and increasing the proficiency and experience of its members,” Assistant Commissioner Heffernan said.
“Today, the Brigade responds to incidents locally and further afield while also engaging with the local community through newsletters and providing fire protection for a variety of local events, from festivals to major television productions.
“Theresa Park is known as a Brigade that can be counted on to lend a hand and they regularly provide assistance to sister Brigades Orangeville-Werombi and Mt Hunter.”
The Brigade also participates in Clean Up Australia Day, often filling more than two skips with rubbish collected from Werombi Road.
Assistant Commissioner Heffernan said the respect afforded to members of the Theresa Park Brigade is testament to the dedication of both past and present members.
“Each and every one of these volunteers is worthy of our most sincere thanks and I would like to personally commend them, not only for their commitment to their Brigade and the Service, but also to their community,” Assistant Commissioner Heffernan said.
“It is the dedication of all members that will see the Theresa Park Brigade maintain a strong presence in the community into the future.”
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