2017 Rotary NSW Emergency Service Community Awards finalists announced
Published Date: 30 May 2017
Minister for Emergency Services Troy Grant today announced the 24 finalists for the 2017 Rotary NSW Emergency Services Community Awards.
Mr Grant said the awards celebrate the outstanding contribution of emergency services workers such as nominee Gordon Hill who has been involved with the RFS for over 45 years including for more than two decades as a Duty Officer providing support for volunteers needing help after a traumatic experience.
“These awards celebrate the outstanding service, sacrifice and spirit of so many quiet achievers who tirelessly work to ensure the safety of others in times of disaster and devastation,” Mr Grant said.
“We should never take for granted the work our emergency services staff and volunteers do and it is important to acknowledge the unsung heroes who have gone above and beyond.
“There is almost 500 years of combined service from this year’s finalists from all corners of the State and I thank them all for their exemplary community service.”
Finalists come from the following emergency services:
- Fire & Rescue NSW;
- Marine Rescue NSW;
- NSW Ambulance;
- NSW Rural Fire Service;
- NSW State Emergency Service; and
- NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
Rotary District Governor Stephen Humphreys said Rotary NSW was delighted with this year’s finalists and is looking forward to announcing the winners on 4 August.
“All of the finalists are worthy of accolades and should be very proud of their dedication and commitment,” Mr Humphreys said.
“Rotary NSW is working to increase support for our emergency services and has also established an emergency services scholarship for a PhD candidate to investigate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Emergency Services Personnel.”
For more information on the scholarship opportunity including how to apply please contact Rotarian Mrs Dot Hennessy at dothennessy@gmail.com.
Finalists will attend an Awards Presentation Dinner, to be held at the Bankstown Sports Club, where winners for each service will be announced plus two special winners:
- Emergency Service Officer of the Year serving in a volunteer capacity; and
- Emergency Service Officer of the Year serving in a paid capacity.
Family, friends, supporters and the general public are invited to attend the presentation dinner. Tickets can purchased at: www.RotaryESCawards.org.au.
Contact Name: Douglas Martin
Contact Phone: 0438 341 354