New RFS ad campaign urges the community to get bush fire ready
Published Date: 25 Oct 2021
A new state-wide campaign by the NSW Rural Fire Service will kick off today, urging the community to prepare for the bush fire season, and to live bush fire ready.
The ‘Live Bush Fire Ready’ public awareness campaign captures the stories and emotive images of people at the height of the 2019-20 bushfire season, and importantly, how they are planning and preparing for this bushfire season.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott encouraged communities across NSW not to be complacent or delay preparations.
“The message in this new campaign is one we simply cannot ignore – as Australians we live with the threat of fires, so we need to live bush fire ready. Let the strong words from the communities of Nowra, Braidwood and Batemans Bay be a warning to all those who have not yet developed their bushfire survival plan,” Mr Elliott said.
“Alarmingly, less than seven per cent of State was directly impacted by the bushfires of 2019/2020, so it’s critical that everyone heeds the warning and prepares now for bush fire season which is already upon us.”
NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Rob Rogers said the new campaign will begin rolling out state-wide this week, with TV, radio, online, and shopping centre ads, with a focus on areas of greatest bush fire risk.
“This ad campaign is confronting and we make no apology for that. It is such an important message and becoming complacent now will only risk losing properties or lives during bush or grass fires,” Commissioner Rogers said.
“This year’s fire season is already upon us and we urge people not to take any chances – take the time now to prepare and to live bush fire ready,” he said.
It takes just five minutes to check your bush fire survival plan. Visit to learn more about preparing your plan. You can also watch the new TV ad online at
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