Bush Fire Bulletin liftouts
Bush Fire Bulletin liftouts are designed to be printed out and posted on the wall of the brigade station or in public view.
They almost always focus on one aspect of NSW RFS operations including changes to procedures and visual representations of important operational information.
Bush Fire Bulletin liftouts are a handy reference to key information for all NSW RFS members.
National all-hazards mapping symbology
A list explaining the common symbology used to map natural hazards by emergency services agencies in Australia. This liftout is a comprehensive list of the symbols used and their meanings.
Mobile Data Terminals - Quick Reference Guide
The RFS is equipping all our firefighting vehicles with Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs). This liftout outlines how the MDTs work, how members can navigate the various menus and controls and provides information on their ongoing rollout across the state.
Our new style
The RFS has recently updated its branding to reflect a more modern, streamlined design, featuring the prominent 'RFS' and new distinctive markings. This liftout shows a few examples of the new style and provides details on where members can access new design resources.
RFS Mental Health Strategy 2023-2027
The RFS is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our members. This strategy provides a roadmap for our actions for the next five years to create a mentally healthy environment where our members can thrive.
Australian Fire Danger Ratings have changed
The new Fire Danger Rating System has commenced across Australia as of 1 September 2022, making the ratings simpler and easier to understand.
This liftout will help you understand the new ratings and the associated messaging, as well as the science behind the ratings.
NSW RFS aviation fleet
This liftout gives an overview of the aerial assets in the NSW RFS fleet following the addition of a Bell-412 helicopter and two Cessna Citations. The Service now has three fixed wing and six rotary wing aircraft at tis disposal to fight fires across the state.
Upgrades and new signs for fire trails
If you've been down a fire trail in NSW recently, you might have noticed a brand new trail sign showing you the way. The new signs are part of the Service's Strategic Fire Trails Program.
This liftout explains the symbols and details on the new fire trail signs and provides information about the different categories of fire trails under the new classification.
CAD and status panels – what you need to know
As part of the Commissioner’s nine priority projects, the NSW RFS is moving to Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), a new integrated dispatch system that will improve our response time to incidents.
This liftout outlines how CAD works and providers an explainer for how to use the status panels recently installed in NSW RFS vehicles.
Grass curing and grain harvesting guide
Increased rain across the state has led to considerable grass and crop growth, and a heightened risk of grass and harvest fires.
This liftout provides a handy grass curing guide to measure the risk of grass fires, and a simple grain harvesting guide for farmers to assess fire risk in local conditions.
Pathway to professional care
After an unprecedented season, it is important that NSW RFS members recognise the impact on their mental health. This liftout outlines the ways members can reach out for assistance and provides some simple tips for maintaining mental wellbeing.
Introducing the ‘Marie Bashir’ 737 Large Air Tanker
The ‘Marie Bashir’ was unveiled at the RAAF base in Richmond in August 2019, the first LAT to be available year-round to fight fires in Australia. It can operate from a number of regional airports and reach any location in NSW in an hour.
Sun safety and skin cancer
NSW RFS members spend much time outside responding to incidents, attending training and at community engagement events. Being exposed to the sun puts you at risk of developing skin cancer. This poster can help you to detect melanomas by explaining where to look, what to look for and tips for prevention.
NSW RFS new constitution member classifications
The new NSW RFS Brigade Constitution took effect on 1 July 2018, helping to streamline the management of brigades and ensure individual brigades can maintain their local identity and rules. This handy poster outlines the new member classifications for the NSW RFS and the roles that members can perform.
How to prevent and treat dehydration and heat-related illness
Dehydration can seriously affect your abilities when attending an incident and, at worst, can cause serious illness or death. This guide gives helpful tips on how to avoid dehydration, recognise the symptoms and treat it, both in yourself and others.
Firebird 200 – a bird’s eye view
Equipped with a 360 degree camera, Firebird 200 gathers and relays footage direct from the fireground. This poster outlines the helicopter’s specs and gives an overview of some of the work the Firebird 200 does for the NSW RFS.
Download and print this PDF. It can be displayed as two A3 posters or a doubled sided poster. (Select double-sided printing, flip on short edge for best results.)
Identify and manage hazards around the home
Property assessments are a key part of engaging with your community about bush fire safety. Many brigades are actively and regularly visiting homes to help residents to identify and mitigate potential risks to their home and to guide them in developing a personalised bush fire survival plan. This guide provides a case study of many of the common household hazards and how they can be managed.
Download and print this PDF. It can be displayed as two A3 posters or a doubled sided poster. (Select double-sided printing, flip on short edge for best results.)
Introducing Air Tankers to the fleet
Large Air Tankers (LAT) and Very Large Air Tankers (VLATs) arrived in NSW for the 2015/16 fire season. Faster airspeed and larger fuel tanks enable LATs and VLATs to deliver more suppressants in a shorter time frame than the aircraft currently in use in Australia to date.The LAT/VLAT program is on trial in NSW for two years. An assessment of these aircraft and their effectiveness will determine which aircraft are contracted for the 2016/17 fire season. This Liftout, a double-sided poster, displays the features of these large aircraft that were in commission during the NSW 2015/16 fire season.
Download and print this PDF. It can be displayed as two A3 posters or a doubled sided poster. (Select double-sided printing, flip on short edge for best results.)
Property Protection Inspections: Know the bush fire threat
The first in a series of guides for NSW RFS members on how to conduct a property inspection. Step One is to determine the bush fire threat and is the focus of this Bush Fire Bulletin liftout. The liftout features a case study of a home in Westleigh, in Sydney's north, showing types of bush fire threat and topographical features that impact the kind of threat this home would face if there was a bush fire in the area.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure. (Select double-sided printing, flip on short edge for best results.)

How to: Thermal Imaging Cameras
Thermal Imaging Cameras are a great piece of equipment for firefighters and are extremely useful in low visibility environments such as during structure fires. As the technology has improved, their use in many environments, including bush fires, has also proven successful.
This liftout explains the key features, uses and limitations of Thermal Imaging Cameras.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure. (Select double-sided printing, flip on short edge for best results.)

Are you prepared to keep your family safe?
Regardless of your decision to Leave Early or Stay and Defend, you still need to prepare your property against the threat of a bush fire and ember attack.
This liftout provides a Property preparation checklist and useful tips for bush fire safety.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure.

We have the best firefighters in the world
Throughout October and November 2013 NSW RFS was inundated with messages of appreciation from across the country. From school children to Royalty, warm words of thanks arrived via email, social media and in the mail.
This poster visually shows excerpts of the many email messages received including the main statement by the NSW RFS Commissioner made during a press conference.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure.

It's your call that makes a difference
The information from the fireground is critical to the Service's ability to successfully protect life and property from bush fires. Firefighters and officers hold so much more than the situation at that specific location in their hands.
This poster visually shows how information from the fireground flows through to the State Operations Centre and ultimately to the public.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure.

Your PPE: What makes it world class?
The NSW RFS Personal Protective Equipment is world class.
This poster visually shows the features that protect our firefighters from the risks of heat, burns, falling debris and other dangers.
Download and print this PDF. It can be a A3 poster for display purposes or a double sided brochure.

Honouring the Australian Fire Service Medal recipients
The Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) is one of six meritorious awards in the Australian honours system.
This liftout lists the names of all those in the NSW Rural Fire Service who have received the AFSM since its inception in 1988.

New National Mapping Symbology liftout
Bush Fire Bulletin Liftout Vol 34 No 2 (2012) featured the new national Mapping Symbology.
The experience of a number of major emergency events, including the 2009 Black Saturday bush fires in Victoria, highlighted the need for standard mapping symbology across the Australian emergency sector. In April 2011, the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) board endorsed a new set of symbology. The Bush Fire Coordinating Committee resolved to adopt the new symbology in May 2012.
It is now available for separate download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Heavy Plant Reference Guide
Volume 33 No 3 of the Bush Fire Bulletin included a feature article and reference guide to Heavy Plant in the NSW RFS.
Heavy Plant refers to earth moving machinery such as bulldozers, graders, excavators, front end loaders and tractors. They are frequently used in firefighting.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

The NSW RFS Crest 1961-2011
While the history of volunteer bush firefighting in NSW dates back to 1898, the use of the official Crest only began in 1961.
Chief Superintendent Alan Brinkworth surveys the history of the NSW RFS Crest and traces its evolution.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Warnings, ratings and messages in the fire season
Volume 33 No 1 (2011) of the Bush Fire Bulletin featured the newly released warnings, ratings and messages for the fire season.
Recently changes have been made the information provided to the community before and during a bush fire. It's important that all of us understand the changes - so we can help the community make informed decisions.
This fact sheet is for all NSW RFS members to help you provide information on preparing for bush fires and answers some of the questions you may receive from the general public.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

NSW RFS New Standard Design Brigades and FCCs
The Standard Design Project
The idea of common design themes, or standard designs, for all RFS bulding was first mooted in 2004. It was sparked by the design and the constriction of the new NSW RFS Headquarters at Homebush Bay.
In Volume 31 No 2 of the Bush Fire Bulletin featured the standard plans and designs.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Our history - a story worth telling: 1960-2011
Our Service's Story is part of the NSW RFS History Project. Stories are being gathered from volunteers and staff, as well as State Library, State Records, local council records and committee minutes. Newspapers and journals are being pored over for the rich personal memories of significant fires, brigade formations and equipment developments.
The graphic in this second Bush Fire Bulletin Souvenir liftout is a reproduction of the commemorative mural in the foyer of the NSW RFS Headquarters. The timeline accompanying the mural is an excerpt from the history boards which are also displayed.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Response Driving
A response by the NSW RFS is defined as driving beyond normal traffic regulations but within the exemptions under the Australian Road Rules, using lights and sirens as appropriate for the conditions, to provide both adequate warning to and maintain the safety of other road users.
This liftout provides tips and guidelines for NSW RFS Drivers.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Helmets and ranking
A review of the NSW Rural Fire Service ranking and helmet identification standard has been undertaken to establish a consistent approach for all members across the State. The following standards have been approved by the Commissioner.
The ranking system depicted on this liftout will be incorporated into Service Standard 1.2.1 Ranking and Insignia. The helmets depicted on the centre page will be incorporated into Service Standard 5.1.5 Protective Clothing. Details of the reflective markings and graphics are shown on the following page.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Aviation Operations and Aircraft Recognition
A liftout guide to aviation operations in the NSW RFS, including:
- how to recognise different aircraft
- Light Helicopters
- Medium Helicopters
- Short Line
- Long Line
- Heavy Helicopters
- Fixed Wing Aircraft
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Weather and Bush Fire Behaviour
NSW has a history of droughts and severe fire weather which has caused some devastating fires, causing extensive loss of life and property and such tragedies are high on the list of "Natural Disasters".
As such it is important for each level of our Service to understand the weather, where they can access the information and the potential for its adverse influence on bush fire behaviour either immediately or within a few days.
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Traffic Management during an incident
The NSW RFS is often called upon to manage traffic at emergency incidents, whether it be assisting another agency or at a bush fire.
Here are the guidelines on best practice.
It is now available for download and printing an A3 poster. Choose A3 colour printing on your printer.

Good fireground management
The first three steps of good fireground management:
- Respond.
- Take Command.
- Manage the fireground.
It is now available for download and printing. Choose A3 colour printing on your printer.

Fireground organisation
Fireground organisation
- T-card
- IMTs
- Tankers and Equipment
- En-route
- Driving
It is now available for download and printing as a double sided poster. Choose A3, double-sided colour printing on your printer.

Hydrant Markers
A guide to indicator plates for locating hydrants on potable and recycled water mains hydrants.
It is now available for download and printing.