Building in a bush fire area

Addendum to Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019: January2025

This Addendum is in relation to construction of all primary and/or secondary schools located on bush fire prone land and prescribes bush fire protection measures relating to access and internal tenability which are to be implemented in relation to the construction of school buildings. Addendum to PBP 2025 makes amendments to PBP, Addendum to PBP 2022, and Section G5 of the National Construction Code, 2022. The Addendum to PBP 2025 commences on the date the amendment to clause 271 of

Addendum to Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019: November 2022

This Addendum is in relation to amendments to the bush fire protection provisions NCC 2022. This includes a suite of new provisions for Class 9 Buildings in bush fire prone areas that accommodate certain types of vulnerable occupants. This Addendum aligns PBP with the NCC 2022.

Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019

Released in November 2019 and legislated on 1 March 2020. This document contains provides the development standards for designing and building on bush fire prone land.

Single Dwelling Application Kit

The Single Dwelling Application Kit is intended to be used to provide the relevant consent authority with the information needed so that they can assess your proposed development in accordance with the EP&A Act section 4.14.This kit will assist people building a new house or altering or adding to an existing building on bush fire prone land. Not all councils will accept the single dwelling application kit so check with your local council before proceeding.

Comprehensive Vegetation Fuel Loads

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide all stakeholders in the bush fire industry with the detailed fuel load information which underpins the APZ distances in the Pre-Release version of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2018 (PBP).

Pre-DA Advice

This form can be used to obtain pre-DA advice from our Development Assessment and Planning Team regarding more complex development proposals which raise questions in relation to their assessment against Planning for Bush Fire Protection. The form can be used for proposals that incorporate a performance based solution or propose development of a strategic nature.The information handout provides guidance in completing the pre-DA advice form and provides information on the submission requirements in the pre-DA process.

Building Best Practice Guide

This document is designed to provide the community with advice regarding what the NSW RFS recommends as best practice for developing in bush fire prone areas. All development on bush fire prone land should comply with the relevant recommendations and requirements identified.

Vegetation Classification Chart

This classification chart will assist in the assessment of vegetation for developments in bush fire prone areas.

Guideline for Councils on Bushfire Prone Area Land Mapping

This Guideline applies to all councils who are required to prepare bush fire prone land maps. It sets out the requirements to enable councils to accurately and consistently map bush fire prone land.

Urban Release Area

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