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P3.3.3 NSW RFS Work Experience Activities

Published 23 May, 2019.

P3.4.1 Workers Compensation and Injury Management for NSW RFS Employees

Updated 11 July 2024 - This Policy was repealed and replaced with Service Standard 7.1.3 Health and Injury Management v2.0

P4.1.1 Financial Delegations

Published 6 November 2012.

P4.1.3 Procurement

Published 22 July 2021.

P4.1.5 Corporate Credit Cards

Published 22 July 2021.

P4.1.6 Financial Accounting for NSW RFS Assets v1.0

P4.1.7 Fuel Cards

Published 28 July 2009.

P4.1.8 Travel

Published May 17, 2019.

P4.1.9 Communications – Mobile and Data Devices

Published 22 June 2021.

P4.1.14 Petty Cash

Published 23 November 2015.

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