Service Standards
SS 1.5.1 Management of NSW RFS Policy Documents
Published 18 March 2019
SS 1.5.2 Environment
SS 1.5.3 NSW RFS RFSA Consultative Committees
SS 1.5.4 NPWS All Parks Passes
Published 22 June 2018 - The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has extended the benefits of "All Parks Passes" to certain members of the NSW RFS. This Service Standard outlines the process for issuing the NPWS All Parks Pass to eligible Service members.
SS 1.5.5 Area Management Model Transition
SS 1.5.6 Lessons Management Framework
This Service Standard and its accompanying Framework document have undergone an administrative review to ensure they continue to reflect current practice and the new RFS branding. No material changes have been made to either document.
SS 2.1.1 Formation and Disbandment of Brigades and Groups of Brigades
Published 24 June 2022 - The NSW RFS is committed to providing a fire service which has relevance to local communities and recognises that local situations can change, and there is a need to periodically review the placement of Brigades.
SS 2.1.2 Brigade Constitution
Published 18 March 2020 - This Service Standard provides the process for which brigades must undertake to develop their brigade constitution.
SS 2.1.3 Brigade Registers
Published 11 June 2009 - This Service Standard states the responsibilities of rural fire brigades and rural fire DTZ's in relation to brigade registers.The development and maintenance of a brigade register is a requirement under section 20 of the Rural Fires Act 1997.
SS 2.1.4 Appointment of Field and Group Officers
Published 17 December 2007 - The Rural Fires Act 1997 provides for the appointment of Brigade Officers in accordance with the Service Standards.